Tuesday, October 4, 2011

48th International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival

The 48th International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival is an international film festival to be held in Antalya, Turkey from October 8 to 14, 2011. Films will be shown with the theme "...And the Woman Touched the World" and the Golden Orange selection committees, including the International and National Competition Juries, are entirely composed of female members for the first time in the festival's history.  Competitions were also run for the cancelled 16th (1979) and 17th (1980) editions of the festival with Belated Golden Oranges being presented to the winners. 

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  1. hi tulpar, nice name GOLDEN ORANGE- and just for women only, so its going to be soon, what is your opinion on the women only part and how turkey people view this

  2. @ cookingvarieties, Hi, International Golden Orange Film Festival is not just for women. We, the people of the Republic of Turkey feel proud of our glorious history. We say that Turkish women are granted the right to vote since 1934. In addition to this, in 1926, the new Turkish civil code passed. Under the new code, women gained equality with men in such matters as inheritance and divorce. Moreover, in 1935, 18 women deputies had chairs in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. As a percentage, they accounted for 4.5% of all the seats in the Assembly, one of the highest proportions in the world at that time. ome politicians may emphasize the women`s statutes in the society as a measurement of civilization and democracy or people may think that women are very important for us, because, they are mothers and they bring their children’s up and if the mother are educated and cultured, their children may be educated and cultured, so the society become educated and cultured in their speeches. However, these speeches state sometimes liberal, elitist, and sometimes fascist ideologies on the women. This means that women became a subject or tool for these ideologies. However,The real women movements started after the military coup of 1980. When we look at the improvements on women rights in Turkey in 2000s, we can see that it is for Accession of Turkey to the European Union which is the policy of Turkey. So, women are still used for some policies by the politicians. If people want to know what the statutes, struggles, gains of women are, they should look at the after 1980s.

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  5. A very nice content along with very good information and it is very useful and helpful.Thanks for share


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