Saturday, August 3, 2013

VII. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems (ISEEP 2013)

VII. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems will be organized on December 18-21, 2013 in Antalya!  

It is expected that the International Symposium on Ecology and Environment (ISEEP) to be held in December, 2013 will create an exceptional scientific platform where the above listed and various other ecological problems will be discussed, and possible solutions will be proposed. By this occasion, scientists both from Turkey and abroad are planning to share the results and opinions derived from their studies on various aspects of environmental problems.

You are very welcome to join in the VIIth ISEEP to be held in Side, Manavgat (Antalya), Turkey, to share your knowledge and experiences on ecology and environment.

  • Symposium will be supported by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Akdeniz University, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University,  and Hacettepe University.
  •  The symposium will be held in English with simultaneous translation to Turkish.  
  • The symposium will include the following topics: 
    • Environmental education
    • Environmental law and philosophy
    • Chemical and physical pollution in ecosystems and the measures to be taken
    • Tourism and environment
    • Alternative and environmental friendly energy
    • Biological Diversity (Biodiversity)
    • Environment and urbanization
    • Paradox between ecology and economy
    • Energy and Environment
    • Health, Nutrition, GMO and environment
    • Art and environment
    • Other subjects related to environment

The registration fees for the conferance are in Euros. They include a conferance package, plenary sessions, poster presentations, field excursion and tree nights all inclusive 5 stars hotel accomadation in TRENDY ASPENDOS BEACH.

Before October 15*
After October 15*
Participants 350 € 400 €
Students 250 € 300 €
Guests 200 € 250 €

* Registration fee includes two participants remain in one room. If you want to stay alone in your room, you should pay extra 90 Euro more.

Period [18/12/2013 - 21/12/2013]
Event location Trendy Aspendos Beach Fesleğenli Mevkii Sancak Mahallesi Gündoğdu Beldesi – Side / Antalya / TÜRKİYE
Host Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
Event URL
Contact person
Phone: +90 248 213 30 34
Fax: +90 248 213 30 99

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