Sunday, May 19, 2013

We wholeheartedly celebrate May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day

Today, We wholeheartedly celebrate May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Turkey!!!

The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Turkey features state ceremonies and sports events throughout the country on May 19 each year. 

Atatürk was born in 1881. But his birth date is not known. In one of his speeches, he declared that he considers his birthday as May 19, in clear reference to the beginning of the national struggle in 1919.

What do we do?

In the run-up to the May 19 celebrations, young Turkish athletes carry the national flag from Samsun, a Black Sea port from where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk started Turkey’s War of Independence in 1919, to Ankara, the country’s capital. The marathon usually takes about 10 days. The Turkish president accepts the flag at a ceremony on May 19.

Various sports events take place on May 19 throughout Turkey. Many people celebrate this day by watching athletes perform at their local stadiums or by participating in sports events that are open to the public, such as half-marathons. University students usually prepare special programs for their teachers and parents on this day.
Many Turks also observe May 19 as Atatürk’s birthday. Although the exact date of his birth is not known, Atatürk used to say he was born on May 19 (referring to his political career). Many people lay wreaths to Atatürk’s monuments and hang Turkish flags outside their windows.

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1 comment:

  1. A very nice, content along with very good information and it is very useful and helpful.Thanks for sharing


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