Saturday, November 12, 2011

In honor of my 400th follower!

It's a celebration,! In honor of my 400th follower!

Welcome to Follower number 400!

And thank you to all the rest of you who choose to visit "Antalya City Blog" and share it with friends, family and co-workers. It exists for you!

My 400th follower is Bri who is the owner of the Blog of Diamonds and Pearls.

Antalya City blog was created in 2009. It exists for advertising Antalya City. You are able to access information about Antalya. You find very nice photos of Antalya, activities in Antalya, maps of Antalya and tourism ofices of the Republic of Turkey. In addition, you find links of the most famous hotels, discos and clubs in Antalya and very important links such as the municipality of Antalya, governorship of Antalya. I note the news events that you are interested in and provide news items that you can use through my blog. The blog of Antalya`s language is English but you can translate the blog in 16 different language. These languages are Turkish, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Dutch, Arabic, Serbian, Swedish, Polish, Chinese, Finnish, Korean, Porteguese, and Japan. And now we are celebrating our 400th follower. If you want to see the heaven in the world, you should visit the Turkish Riviera where is Antalya!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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  1. hi Isa, wow! you already have 400 followers! CONGRATULATIONS, you deserve to celebrate here and have lots of beautiful fireworks. I am happy for you..happy blogging

  2. @ cookingvarieties, Thank you very much Wan! I love my followers!!!

  3. Congratulations for 400 followers! And thank you for your visit in my blog ;) Monika

  4. 400 followers! CONGRATULATIONS
    I wish you prosperity and love

  5. Congratulation on that magnificent number!
    Also, thanks for a beautiful comment about benefits of Jasmin tea -I've learned a lot.
    Have a nice day
    Regards from Sydney

  6. @ Jasna's kitchen creations, Thank you Jasna! I am happy to see you on here!

  7. Congrats! I was so happy to number 400! ;)

    Thanks so much for following me.

    ~Bri {Diamonds and Pearls}

  8. Hi Bri! You are the sunshine of this blog! That's why you should always be around, You are the golden orange of Antalya. For ever you should stay in this blog. ;)

  9. Bloguma zyaretin icin tesekurler be 400 takipci icin tebrikler.

  10. Congrats on the number of followers and sure I will visit this interesting blog from time to time. Keep going with more wonderful articles to be shared here.

  11. @ Fashion Confessions of a Mommy, Teşekkürler..

  12. @ Nava.K, Thank you. You can always find wonderful articles here..

  13. Congrets! Your blog is amazing, can not wait to read it :)

  14. @ Maja, Thank you very much. Welcome to Antalya City..

  15. I love your blog. I am going to visit you some day-))

  16. Congratulations Doll on your 400 follower and many more to come I'm sure. :)

    <3 Marina

  17. @ Fashion.MakeUp.LifeStyle, Thank you Marina..

  18. Congratulations! Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in my blog, will be back to check your wonderful post often....

  19. @ Treat and Trick, Thanks. You can find information about interesting news, events and wonderful photos of Antalya on this blog.

  20. Congratulations.I am half way your number:)
    I am having a nice Giveaway at my blog .Open till 23rd November
    Everyone is welcome

  21. @ Dzoli, Hi! Congratulations on your 200th post!

  22. A very nice content along with very good information and it is very useful and helpful.Thanks for share


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